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Home2025 Boat Storage

Boat Storage


STICKERS DISTRIBUTION TBD (Looking for Snack Shack Volunteers)


You and your guests/renters are responsible for understanding all of the regulations relating to boat storage. We recommend that you download the Boat Storage Rules and print and post a copy in your cabin.

SLPOA provides boat storage (defined as: kayaks, canoes, SUPs and sail boats--Inflatables DO NOT qualify unless they are categorized as a kayak, canoe or SUP) on District owned property for Serene Lakes residents under a License Agreement with the District. 

Boats or SUP's left overnight on Water District property that is not designated for storage are subject to impound by the Water District.


  • SEASONAL: Boats can only be stored for the current season while storage racks are in place and a valid sticker is visible from the top side.

    Seasonal Storage includes: Lot 1, Bales and Swiss Court. 

  • SHORT-TERM: Boats can be stored for a maximum of 3-days per visit. 

    Short-Term Storage includes: Allen, Beacon, Castle, Dulzura.
    All vessels must be stored on the logs provided -- 

    Any left overnight on the ground will be impounded.

  • Sailboats (with valid Swiss Court Stickers) can only be stored at the Swiss Court Location.
    All vessels must be stored on the logs provided --

    Any left overnight on the ground will be impounded.

  • All locations are potentially available to Serene Lakes residents, however Lot 1/Beach racks are for MEMBERS ONLY.


  • A visible current SLPOA Permit is REQUIRED for boat storage.

  • Take boats home if racks or storage logs are full, regardless of having a valid sticker on the vessel.

  • Permits must be clearly visible from above. Do not place sticker on top of your boat if you store it in the rack upside down. If the boat sticker is not visible from above, it is at risk of being impounded and fees may applied for its retrieval.

  • DO NOT leave boats on the ground (except for under the racks at Bales and Lot 1), in the water, or on/or tied-up to docks overnight. Doing so may put the boat at risk of being impounded, and fees may apply for its retrieval.

  • Docks are for loading/unloading ONLY.

  • No Stacking of boats on racks.

  • Inflatable Floaties are NOT valid for storage and must be removed after day use.

  • No watercraft trailers, dollies, or racks may be stored at any location. 

  • Lock up your vessels. There is no security at any of the storage locations and boats are stored at your own risk--SLPOA is not responsible for any damage or theft.

  • Unclaimed boats must be retrieved prior to September 30 or the vessel will be discarded.

  • Boats that are NOT stored properly or vessels left in storage areas without a valid sticker will be impounded.

  • There is a $50 fee to retrieve impounded boats. 

  • Vessels may not be released on the same day as they are impounded, and may be retrievable after 48-hrs.

Email to:


Boat Storage Registration is scheduled to begin on April 19th 8:00 am. Via the Primary Member's email, a link and a registration-specific password will be provided to access the Registration Form. NO REGISTRATION LINK ON WEBSITE.

Note that there is a high demand for these stickers and locations typically sell out within a short period of time (within hours of opening registration.) Having your membership up-to-date is critical for ease of registration. 

  • Registration requires access to the primary member's email address and a registration-specific password.  Password is sent to active primary member's email address at the time of open registration. 

  • Online "SLPOA Boat Storage Registration" is automated and sticker distribution is real-time. Sticker availability is noted at each location during the time of registration. Payment is also automated and will be required as part of the form submission.  

  • SLPOA Membership doesn't guarantee space availability, but this online Boat Storage Registration form link is sent to those with active Memberships.

  • Stickers will be distributed only after payment has been made and will be available for pickup at the Snack Shack (Lot 1/Beach) during operating hours starting at the Sand Fling (currently scheduled for June 7 9am-11am) and beach opening. Refer to Activities & Events for more information on Sand Fling date. Snack Shack hours of operation will be posted at Lot 1 and typically will be open most weekends in the summer (weather and air quality providing.)

  • If you are a Serene Lakes Property Owner, but do not wish to be a SLPOA member, or you do not wish to use the automated format, please send your request to Delay in sticker allocation may occur as the application will need verification of property ownership in Serene Lakes.  Also note that non-SLPOA Property Owner requests will not have access to Lot 1/Beach storage AND fees for stickers are at a different rate than SLPOA members.

More stickers maybe distributed at locations than spaces allow. Storage is on a first come first serve basis.  

Number of Stickers Allocated Per Cabin

Each SLPOA member cabin is eligible for a maximum of 4 storage permits. Each cabin may register for 1 or 2 paid stickers for seasonal and/or short term locations and/or 1 or 2 stickers for Lot 1 at no additional charge.