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HomeAddress Identification Requirements

Address Identification - Placer County Code


Please note that Placer County has a code requirement relating to the Address Numbers for your cabin. Adequate address identification is essential for emergency services to easily identify building locations. Many cabins in Serene Lakes lack some or all of these requirements. 

Please take a moment to review the code and make appropriate changes to your address identification on your cabin.

15.04.260 Building addresses.

     Section 502.1 - Address identification. Replace section 502.1 of the CBC with the following section:

         Section 502.1 - Address identification.

New and existing buildings shall be provided with approved address identification. The address identification shall be legible and placed in a position that is visible from the street or road fronting the property. Whenever the address on the building will not be clearly visible from the public street or access road fronting the property, the address shall also be placed at the public street or access road in a manner which is clearly visible from both directions of travel on the frontage road or street. When necessary to facilitate emergency response, the address shall be posted in additional locations, such as a fork in a driveway serving more than one residence. Address identification characters shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall not be spelled out. Numbers and letters shall be a minimum four inch letter height, one-half inch stroke width, reflectorized, and contrast with their background; or a minimum five inch letter height, one-half inch stroke width, and contrast with their background. Address identification shall be maintained.

(Ord. 5994-B § 3, 2019)