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HomeMembership FAQ

SLPOA Membership Frequently Asked Questions


Why should I join or renew SLPOA membership?

SLPOA is the voice of Serene Lakes cabin and lot owners. For nominal Membership dues, we maintain Serene Lakes’ private beach facilities and common areas, organize year-round community activities, support important fire and propane safety initiatives and represent the interests of members to state and local government agencies. View Member Benefits

Membership Levels 


What is a Primary Member?

The "Primary Member" is the member responsible for voting in elections, renewing the membership and for all SLPOA transactions, including payment of fees, boat storage registration and acquiring event tickets. 


What is a Secondary Member?

A "Secondary Member" is anyone the Primary Member wishes to have access to the SLPOA website, newsletters, e-mail blasts and membership benefits. Secondary members have user IDs and passwords for logging into the web site.  Secondary members’ information is housed in our database and easily retrieved for event registration.


What is a Junior Member?

A "Junior Member" can be any family member or associate. Junior members do not have full access to the web site, do not receive email blasts and do not have user IDs and passwords for logging into the website.  Junior members’ information is housed in our database and easily retrieved for event registration.


Who can complete the membership and renewal process?

The Primary Member is the only member who can complete the membership and renewal process.  The Primary Member for a property is designated at the initial time of joining SLPOA. If you are renewing and unsure who the Primary Member is for your property, contact:


Why is it that only one Primary Member can sign up and renew?

According to SLPOA by-laws, there is only one membership allowed for each cabin or lot and each membership has only one vote in SLPOA elections.  In order to keep track of this information, we identify one property owner with primary membership in our database and renewals are associated with that individual.


Why do we have secondary memberships?

Secondary membership allows others associated with the property to have access to all of SLPOA’s resources, information, and events.  It is important to make sure that all secondary members are identified in the database. To see who is listed under your membership, and to add or delete members in your account, the Primary Member can click on their name in the right-hand corner of the website, then click on their profile.  On the profile page, click on the “personal info” section and then on “additional members in your account”.

Membership Payment


Who do I make out my check to and where do I send it?

Make your check out to SLPOA  and mail it to:


PO Box 669

Soda Springs, CA 95728


If I am joining or renewing offline, can I use a credit card or must I use a check?

If you are joining or renewing offline, you can only pay by check.  If you want to use a credit card, it is best to join or renew online.


Is it better to join or renew online or offline? Is it better to pay by check or credit card?

Either one works.  However, your membership is recorded quicker if you join or renew online and use a credit card.  If you pay by check to renew, until the check is registered,  a circular red icon with a dollar sign will appear next to your name indicating that payment is pending.


How do I know my renewal has gone through?

If you renew online with a credit card, you will receive an email notification.  If you renew off-line or on-line by check, you will know that your renewal has gone through when the red circle by the name of the Primary Owner no longer shows up when you log onto the website.  


Why don’t I see a red icon next to my name in order to access the renewal process?

Most likely, you have already renewed or you are not the Primary Member.  However, if you are uncertain or are having difficulties accessing the renewal page, contact SLPOA at:

Terms of Membership


What is the time frame covered by SLPOA dues?

Annual fees of $125 for cabin owners or $70 for lot owners cover the period of January 1 - December 31.


What is the deadline for renewal?

If you have not renewed by March 31, you will be removed from the membership website and will no longer receive the benefits of SLPOA.  However, we greatly appreciate renewals being completed in January to allow us to plan for the year.


If I join after January or sell my property during the year, will my dues be prorated or refunded?

The dues payment covers membership for the entire calendar year unless the property is sold, in which case the membership is terminated. The dues payment is not prorated or refundable


How can I check on the status of my renewal?

The Primary Member can log onto the website and click on their name at the top right corner of the homepage and click on their profile. On the profile page click on "Transaction History" in the Financial/Historical Data" section and you will see the status of all of your transactions.


Will I receive a membership card?

At this time, we are no longer distributing Membership Cards. 


After I join, how do I gain access to the website for members?

After you have been added to the database (automatically for on-line registration and 7-10 days after off-line registration is received) you can go to the Member Login and then to the Forgot Username / Password link and you will get a reset email auto-sent to your inbox.